Telescopes or binoculars are the tools used to watch distant objects which we cannot be seen through our naked eyes. For best result always prefer good quality equipment. By using telescopes we can learn scientific information about our universe, planets revolving around our earth, satellites, stars and asteroids etc.

Before you choose telescopes and binoculars we need to consider some important basics and how it operates. The primary function of a telescope is to gather light. The more light it gathers the more powerful the scope. Basically telescopes are of two types like refractors and reflectors. It is very much important to select a telescope by its aperture i.e. the diameter of the lens as it plays the significant part of the telescope.

With size of the aperture, its quality changes and can clearly shows the moon craters, Saturn rings, Jupiter belts and other galaxies. One of the important parts of the telescopes of binoculars is the eyepiece. It should be good quality and upon requirement the magnification can be changed.

One of the significant considerations in selecting a telescope is the magnification. The magnification directly depends on the type of eye pieces like low, high and medium. Proper positioning and mounting during observation is also an important consideration. For larger telescopes equatorial mount is used with polar axis pointing to the north space pole.